Make a financial contribution

If you are passionate about keeping our history alive now and for future generations, consider making a tax-deductible financial contribution today.

Can you help us reach our goal of $1,500? No matter how big or small, your donation will help us to:

•   maintain our expanding repository of archival records and collections

•   continue our work of digitizing our records so they are easier to access by students, teachers, historians and researchers 

•   keep our special events and programs going that bring our community together in discovery, discussion and celebration of our history

•   enable us to embrace new projects and do our work efficiently and at minimal cost

•   give young people pursuing careers in history, civics, archival science or museum studies the opportunity to hone their skills and gain valuable hands-on experience

A tax receipt will be issued. Thank you for making our work possible!

Ben Woodward, former BHS  summer assistant and co-op student, coastal researcher at the University of Waterloo

BHS provides students and recent graduates in history, archival/library sciences and geography with foundational opportunities. 

When I worked at the Society, I scanned their photo and postcard collections and created the Bayfield Historical Web Map to make these accessible to the public. This allowed me to learn research and archival preservation skills and how to develop and host a website, which led to several co-ops, part-time jobs and even a small web hosting business.

Much of Bayfield’s appeal as a tourist destination is built on its historic charm. Many restaurants and businesses are adorned with historical photos from the BHS, and county planners have consulted the organization to develop the village’s heritage conservation plan.

Thanks to BHS archival records documenting the history of the bluff retreat in Huron County since the 1800s, I was also able to construct a 190-year history of the bluff retreat from Grand Bend and Goderich to deepen our understanding of where and how much the bluffs will recede in the future. The data we collected serves to better protect people and property and a good part of the municipality’s tax base.

As someone who values the Bayfield Historical Society, I believe it does work that goes far beyond safeguarding and sharing our history and traditions. It also plays a vital role in protecting our heritage landscape.